Ignorance of the rules is no excuse!

Minecraft server

  1. Respect All Players: Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Toxic behavior, bullying, harassment, or hate speech is not tolerated.
  2. No Griefing or Raiding: Do not destroy, steal, or alter other players' builds or belongings without permission.
  3. No Spamming or Advertising: Avoid spamming in chat, and don’t advertise other servers or products.
  4. No Cheating or Hacking: Modifications that give unfair advantages, such as X-ray or speed hacks, are strictly prohibited.
  5. PvP Consent: PvP (Player vs. Player) is allowed only if both players agree. Respect others who prefer a PvE (Player vs. Environment) experience.
  6. No Excessive Resource Hoarding: Limit your resource claims to allow others to gather materials as well.
  7. Keep Chat Friendly and PG: Use appropriate language and avoid controversial topics. This is a safe space for players of all ages.
  8. Report Issues to Staff: If you encounter any problems or see others breaking the rules, report it to the staff rather than handling it yourself.

Discord server

  1. Respect All Members: Treat others with kindness and respect. No harassment, bullying, or hate speech is allowed.
  2. Follow Discord's Terms of Service: Ensure all activity complies with Discord’s official rules.
  3. No Spamming or Advertising: Avoid spamming messages, and don’t advertise other servers or external links without permission.

If you have read the rules, you can go and enjoy the fun on our server!

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